Chocolate Hanukkah Gelt

The Indulgence that is Chocolate Gelt
It is getting near that time again. Each year we vow to be more prepared but there is always something that catches us out. The biggest problem is normally trying to think of original presents to buy your nearest and dearest. We have all heard the usual “it’s just what I always wanted” with the eyes saying something entirely different. So to buy something for young children that is going to hold their interest for more than five minutes, can be a real problem and one faced by many parents at this time of year.
Chocolate manufacturers have perfected a gift idea in the shape of a chocolate Hanukkah gelt. To give a child some of these with some real coins could be the start of a child’s financial education and the concept could be extremely beneficial to any child.
Hanukkah gelt as a gift, is an ancient custom dating back to the 18th century and at that time was given as a token of gratitude to religious teachers. It was not until 1920 that a gelt was produced out of chocolate, wrapped in gold or silver foil and placed into a small money pouch.
In parts of Europe, the St Nicholas celebrations were celebrated by giving children chocolate coins called a geld. This is thought of as the inspiration that prompted the chocolate manufacturers to produce the chocolate Hanukkah gelt.
Originally, the source of the manufacture of chocolate Hanukkah gelts was restricted to Israel but they are now beginning to be produced in the United States too.
There are not many children who do not like chocolate and if encouraged to keep the foil that the Hanukkah gelt is molded in, it could act as a constant reminder of its history and sentimentality of who gave them the gift.
Labels: hanukkah gelt